The Rocket, a Ukrainian food delivery business, picks up its pace and establishes its international presence. In the midst of the pandemic, the company...
Boris Shestopalov is a foodtech evangelist. He represents the generation of business people who create new meanings in seemingly conservative industries. Even now, despite...
The VOLIA industrial park unites three locations specializing in separate production stages and promotion of its residents' products.A production and innovation center will be...
The coronavirus crisis has disrupted the restaurant business. New services, formats, and technological solutions allowed them to survive when they were forced to close...
NEWFOOD talked to the holding's co-founder, Andrii Khudo, about new venues, concepts, dishes, and the post-pandemic restaurant world. Recently, you've opened your 'Drunk cherry' in...
Maksym Filippov, executive director of the GR Capital venture fund, is one of those able to recognize putative "unicorns" among many projects immediately. It...