Ukraine Creates Its First Innovative Food Industry Park

Ukrainians presented VOLIA, a project of an innovative park for food market players, during the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Swiss Lugano.

The VOLIA industrial park unites three locations specializing in separate production stages and promotion of its residents’ products.

A production and innovation center will be built in Vinnytsia. Here, new products will go from development and prototypes to mass production. A grain cluster in Ivano-Frankivsk and a logistics center in the border town of Hrushevo will be other units of the park. Newly developed Ukrainian food products will come there to get ready for a consolidated export to foreign markets.

“The structure of the industrial park allows any of its residents to use the competencies of other residents, not needing to build new infrastructure. Thus, we get production synergy that increases the efficiency of the entire park,” explains Borys Shestopalov, a shareholder of HD Group and GFS companies. He stands behind the idea and creation of the park.

Borys Shestopalov, a shareholder of HD Group and GFS companies. He stands behind the idea and creation of the park

A team of professionals will help VOLIA residents master the theory and practice of modern food production. The leadership team of the U PARKS company, which will manage the park, in addition to Borys Shestopalov, includes Alex Kovalenko, the founder of EPI KUR and EPI HAPPY brands, a shareholder of the Volodymyr-Volyn Poultry Factory; Andriy Dlihach, strategist and futures studies expert, CEO of Advanter Group; Valerii Kyrylko, CEO of IMC, which specializes in the development of the industrial parks.

Structure of the industrial park allows any of its residents to use the competencies of other residents, not needing to build new infrastructure

“We have people with all the necessary expertise at the core of our team. For example, my companies have long been leaders in producing flour, cereals, and flakes. We’re also enhancing our food tech projects. Alex was the first to launch mass production of eco-friendly chicken — without antibiotics and other additives. Last year, he was recognized as a leader of change according to the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs. And Andriy is the №1 economic expert in futures studies in Ukraine, and also the author of new economic programs for the government,” as Borys Shestopalov introduced his partners during his speech in Lugano.

Being an ambitious project, VOLIA can drive Ukraine as one of the leaders in the global  food market. Both the government and business circles support it. The Ukrainian ministry of agrarian policy and food, the ministry of economy, the ministry for communities and territories development, and UkraineInvest, the government office for investment attraction and support, have become project partners.

In the regions, the project got the support of Vinnytsia and Lviv municipalities. On the part of foreign organizations, UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization — Ed.) joined as a project partner. Among businesses, UMG Investments expressed its commitment to the project.

The industrial park’s economic advantages will enhance production convenience and efficiency

The industrial park’s economic advantages will enhance production convenience and efficiency. For example, the corporate tax for parks was abolished last month. This, in turn, will affect the cost price of park residents’ products. As a result, the final consumer will get the finished product at lower prices, yet the manufacturer won’t suffer any losses. Such a competitive advantage is timely for those manufacturers who want to take advantage of the openness of the EU market and establish exports.

“The Ukrainian word VOLIA [in English means both freedom and willpower — Ed.] used in our name is incredibly powerful. It stands for freedom and strength in achieving the goal,” says Borys Shestopalov.

You can download the presentation here

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